Our passage made the most of the wind, heading north out of the Kieler Förde, crossing the Eckernförde where U-boats manoeuvre, dodging the restricted area where you may not be allowed to go (and we didn't want to try) and finally turning in through the narrow entrance to the Schlei, the 20-mile fjord which leads eventually to Schleswig. We sailed almost all the way, except for the last couple of miles down the Schlei where the channel was very narrow. Then finally the bit I'd been worrying most about, into the vast marina at Maasholm, where we managed to find a green (available) berth after only a few minutes, even though it was 4.30pm on a Saturday. Phew.
Sam said the marina check-in was very casual - you just fill in a log entry with the name and length of your boat, and its berth number, and pay (€13). We were pleased to see Penguin again, the yacht we met in Rendsburg, and shared beers with them during a brief but exciting thunderstorm, before dining on chips from the Imbiß and salad - very nutritious.
Tomorrow we hope to explore a bit up the Schlei before turning east towards Heiligenhafen and Rügen.
Miles covered today: 23, of which about 20 were under sail.
Hope yr all well - see there has been no post for the last week...
Maggot an I have been busy being proud parents this week at K8s graduation
RATE at a knees-up for Barny's birthday on 28th July. Sang rather well (though a little bottom-heavy:-)at Quidenham bash
We are fine and have been posting to blog every day - I can see posts ok - try clicking site title? Congratulations on graduation and happy birthday to Barny xxxx
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