
Well, here we are on board a Westerly Storm, Cyclone of Langstone, in Chichester Marina, all tucked up and ready to sleep.

Thank to the generosity and ingenuity of the Storm's owner, Rob, Sam has been on and off the boat twice. The best option seems to be to use a bosun's chair & topping lift to help him get up on to the boat and then walk/stagger along - the only problem being that it's quite hard to walk in a bosun's chair, even when you're fit!

After Rob rejoined his family and friends for the evening, Sam came up the companionway steps with only me to help and we sat in the evening sunshine drinking wine and eating M&S lasagne. How very lucky we were to have such a lovely evening. There are 1100 boats in this marina and it's a bank holiday weekend, but still remarkably peaceful and very beautiful.

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